As the glaciers retreated at the end of the last ice age, they left an astounding gift of connected rivers, lakes and wetlands across the heartland of North America. Today, these largely unknown water highways remain an oasis for sustaining wildlife, from the herds of bison that still roam the Great Plains to the vital bees that pollinate our crops and especially for the millions of magnificent birds that migrate along these “flyways.”
Wings Over Water, narrated by award winning actor Michael Keaton tells the story of the epic journeys of three amazing bird families – the Sandhill Crane, the Yellow Warbler and the Mallard Duck – with extraordinary footage of their fascinating behaviors.
Audiences will be captivated by the triumphs and challenges of these remarkable creatures that defy all odds and soar across mountains, deserts, cities and forests as they head home to raise their young.
The evening will conclude with a brief series of talks with local experts in the fields of wildlife and conservation. Learn how you can make your own property a welcome mat for migrating birds, bees, and bats!