Discover the Natural Wonders of Connecticut with!

Are you passionate about the natural world? Do you love exploring the diverse flora, fauna, and geology of Connecticut? Then you’ve come to the right place! is your comprehensive calendar for all the exciting events hosted by leading natural history organizations across the state.

We bring together the schedules of nine incredible organizations, making it easy for you to find lectures, field trips, workshops, and more, all in one convenient location. Whether you’re a seasoned naturalist or just starting to explore, there’s something for everyone!

The Pillars of Big Home

B – Botany and Butterflies

I – Ichthyology

G – Geology

H – Herpetology

O – Ornithology

M – Mycology

E – Entomology

Upcoming Events

Explore Events from These Amazing Organizations:

CT Botanical Society:

  • Dedicated to the study and conservation of Connecticut’s plant life. They offer field trips, workshops, and lectures focused on plant identification, ecology, and conservation.

Geological Society of CT:

  • Uncover the geological history of Connecticut! This society hosts field trips, lectures, and workshops exploring rocks, minerals, fossils, and geological formations.

Connecticut Herpetology:

  • Dive into the world of reptiles and amphibians! This organization focuses on the study, conservation, and appreciation of Connecticut’s snakes, turtles, frogs, and salamanders.

CT Ornithological Association:

  • For bird enthusiasts of all levels! Join field trips, participate in bird counts, and learn about bird identification and conservation from experienced ornithologists.

CT Valley Mycological Society:

  • Explore the fascinating world of fungi! This society offers forays, workshops, and lectures on mushroom identification, ecology, and culinary uses.

CT Entomological Society:

  • Discover the incredible diversity of insects! This organization hosts meetings, field trips, and events focused on insect identification, ecology, and conservation.

New Haven Bird Club:

  • A local powerhouse of birding activity. This group provides many field trips, and events in the greater New Haven area, and contributes heavily to bird conservation.

CT Butterfly Association:

  • Learn about the butterflies of Connecticut. This group provides educational walks, and contributes to the knowledge of the butterflies in the state.